The Evolution of the Internet

The modern-day Internet is a truly incredible thing. Amazingly fast at sending information and transmitting voice and data, the Internet has forever changed the way we communicate, collaborate and conduct business. The original internet, known by its original name ARPANET, was, however, very different. In 30 short years the Internet has grown exponentially, changing all of our lives forever.

The two infographics below give a History of Internet and History of Digital Content.

Undersea Cables

The Internet and undersea cables are synonymous.

Over ninety-nine per cent of international data is transmitted by reinforced fibre optic cables at the bottom of the oceans, called submarine fibre-optic communications cables. These fibre-optic cables vary in length, with some tens of hundreds of thousands of miles in length, often landing at many landing stations en route. These cables are laid by special cable-laying ships and have roughly a 25-year lifespan.

In short, fibre-optic communication is a method of transmitting information from one place to another via pulses of light sent through an optical fibre. This is the same type of fibre-optic cable used in the undersea cable network that powers the global Internet. A single fibre in a modern undersea fibre-optic cable is capable of carrying in excess of 10 Tbps of capacity.

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The History of Internet

The History of Digital Content

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